When did you last feel at your best with work and how did this impact on your life?

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Try work to live!



My observation has been when people work to live, not live to work...
Mojo happens!

I coach individuals and groups by focussing them on their priorities. Sometimes this means helping unearth their priorities and other times it’s upskilling and challenging them to stay committed to their goals.  

My clients are mainly from SMEs and across various industries: Performing arts, resource sectors, NFP, IT services, professional services, medical research, multinational sales & production and more.

It is humbling and deeply fulfilling supporting highly committed business leaders who wish to better themselves, their businesses and impact positively on the community.



Here are some of my areas of expertise.

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What are your goals and what will you do to achieve what you want.

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Tools & skills

Because you will need these!



Cogs & Wheels

Group thinking and peer sharing improve everything.

Growing & nurturing

We want you to get where you're headed!